Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Math Chapter 5 Vocabulary

Click on the picture to make it larger!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Scholastic Book Orders

Dear Second Grade Families,

I wanted to remind you that you can place your Scholastic Book Club orders online. It is due on Friday, November 7th!

This month’s offers are filled with great books and software at terrific values. Here are a few that I am sure you won’t want to miss:

  • Ready, Freddy! Thanksgiving Turkey Trouble #75
  • The Christmas Party from the Black Lagoon #16
  • A to Z Mysteries What House White-Out #93

I always love the Magic Tree House series books as well as Horrible Harry series. If your child is an early chapter book reader choose some from the Transitional and Early Chapter books categories.

To order online, go to the Web address below and enter our class’s personalized user name and password.


Class User Name: stjeromegrade2

Password: grade2

Remember, placing your online credit card order is completely safe and secure.

Plus, when you shop online, you can take advantage of exclusive online-only offers and choose from an expanded selection of books and software. Of course, you can always use the printed flyer instead and have your child hand in a Book Club order form and payment at school.

Thank you for continuing to help our classroom earn FREE books and learning materials. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Mrs. Sederstrom

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Book Projects

Your child is responsible for completing each book project on this list. Each month your child will choose a different project and complete it based on a chapter book s/he read that month. It is important that you allow the student to do most of the work and you merely facilitate the process (not do it for him/her)! I will only send this sheet home once, so please hold on to it. You can also find this information on the blog.

Here are the book project ideas!

1. Book Jacket
Design a book jacket for the book chosen. Have your child be creative so that it is not a direct copy of what is already on the book jacket.

Book jackets normally include the following:

  • Cover, picture showing an important scene, main characters, or theme of the book
  • Story synopsis
  • Brief author information
  • Book review quotes

2. Character Report
Write a report about a favorite character including:

  • The role of the character played
  • The main idea of the story and how the character was involved with it
  • A description of the character, a drawing of the character

3. Diorama
Choose an important event from the book. Then create a three dimensional scene of this event in a diorama form. The scene can either be created in a box with one full side exposed or in a box with a viewing hole in one side.

4. Library Poster
Make a book poster for the class library. The poster should include:

  • Title and author of the book
  • An important scene or main character(s) from the book

5. Movie Poster
Imagine what the book would be like in a movie form. Your child can create a movie poster in the same fashion as other movie posters they see on display at the local theater.

Book Project Due Dates:

October 31st

November 21st

January 30th

February 27th

March 20th

Have Fun!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

October Home Journal

1. The best present I ever got was...

2. My favorite Halloween costume was... because... it looked like... I got it from... tell lots of details about the costume and why it was your favorite.

3. Fall looks like, smells like, feels like, sounds like, and tastes like...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

This month’s home journal writing ideas

1. Write about a friend coming over for a play date. Draw a picture showing you and a friend at your play date.

2. Write about the rules of your bedroom. Make a sign in your journal or on construction paper showing your bedroom rules.

3. Exercise is very important, what is your favorite exercise? Write about it and then draw a picture doing your favorite exercise.

4. Pretend you are planning a surprise party for your best friend, what would you plan? What kind of theme, food, activities, games, and decorations would you have? Write the details and make an invitation for the party. Then draw a picture of what the surprise party would look like.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Language Arts

Check this website out for resources related to our Language Arts Curriculum!



If you click on the newsletter below it will open in a new window and will appear larger for easier reading! Please spend time with your child learning these very important vocabulary words and concepts. Thank you!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Schedule & Events

Tuesdays & Thursdays - P.E. (starts 9/2 wear P.E. uniform)

Wednesdays - Mass (starts 9/3 arrive by 7:45AM)

Fridays - Early Dismissal (12:30PM)

September 12 - No school

September 22 - Back to School Night and Parent Meeting

September 26 - No School

8/27 Newsletter

Second Grade News

Welcome to the start of a new school year! I feel privileged to be teaching your child. It promises to be a very exciting and rewarding year. Here is some information you need to know:

On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, school starts promptly at 7:55 a.m. and dismissed at 3:00 p.m. Our Class Mass is on Wednesdays and we are expected to be at school by 7:45 a.m. to walk over to church on time. Every Friday, school starts at 7:55 a.m. and dismissed at 12:30 p.m.

If you arrive after 8:00 a.m., please go directly to the office before you come to class. Please note that three tardies equals a detention.

For your child’s safety, if you need to take your child out of class early (even five minutes) you must sign your child out in the office. The office will then call the classroom and your child will meet you in the office.

To maximize alertness, it is recommended that you send a healthy snack to school for your child to eat at the first recess.

On your child’s birthday you are encouraged to take them to the 8:00 a.m. Mass to celebrate God’s gift of life. They are welcome to wear free dress. However, make sure that it is dress up not dress down. They will receive a Happy Birthday certificate, sticker and book mark from me. Birthdays are special days and I look forward to celebrating your child’s.

Please know that due to the nutrition policy and many food allergies, edible treats are not allowed. However, you may “treat” the class with non-food items, such as pencils, erasers, stickers, a book for the classroom, etc. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this policy.

Homework assignments will be written in the homework notebook and must be signed each night. Assignments will be kept in a folder handed out every afternoon and due every morning unless otherwise noted in the notebook. Your child must also read daily for at least 15 minutes, alone and/or with a family member. In addition, I suggest that 5-10 minutes be put aside for conversation specifically focused on the daily activities in school.

I recommend that your child have a regular space to do homework. Also, paper (lined and unlined), pencils, scissors, ruler, pencil sharpener, and glue may be needed for homework assignments. Your child should NOT bring these supplies to school.

Friday Folders
Students will bring home a “Friday Folder” every other week. It will include the work completed during class. Not all work done in school will be included in this folder (I keep a file of work from students to review with parents at Parent-Teacher conferences). Please review and take all the contents out. Friday folders are due back at school on Mondays.

Scholastic Book Orders
I will send a book order form once a month. The completed form will be due one week from the day it comes home. Please make all checks out to Scholastic. You can now order books online and pay with credit card. More information will be sent out with the first flier. The more books your child is exposed to the more they will develop their reading skills.

Important Dates:

Friday, August 29th Questionnaire due

Wednesday, September 3rd Family Project homework due

Again, please write a note in your child’s homework notebook if you have any immediate questions or concerns. You may also contact me by leaving a message at 310-670-1678 x212 or teacherschotz@gmail.com. I will respond as soon as possible.

I am truly looking forward to a terrific year with your child. I know that with your support we will have a very successful year together in second grade!

Thank you,
Mrs. Sederstrom


August 27, 2008

Dear Second Grade,

Welcome to our second grade class! I am glad that you are here and I am looking forward to getting to know you! I will do all that I can to help you learn. With all of us working together we will have an excellent year!

Some of you may be a little worried as you begin second grade. That is normal. You know that there are some subjects that are easy for you and some that are a little harder. Everyone, including me, has strengths and weaknesses. There is no need to worry about that.

I will expect a lot from you. I expect you to work hard. I expect you to do your best. I expect you to listen carefully and to ask questions when you do not understand. I expect you to be kind to the other people in our class.

In return, you can expect a lot from me. I will work hard and I will do my best. I will explain things as clearly as I can. I will listen to your questions and your comments and I will help you solve problems. I will treat you with kindness and I will remember that you are a special person with your own ideas and feelings.

I want you to learn and to enjoy school. Learning is fun! Do your best each and every day. Everything that I do is designed to help you learn as much as possible during our year together. I am glad that you are here! Together, we will make this school year very special.


Mrs. Sederstrom