Thursday, August 28, 2008


August 27, 2008

Dear Second Grade,

Welcome to our second grade class! I am glad that you are here and I am looking forward to getting to know you! I will do all that I can to help you learn. With all of us working together we will have an excellent year!

Some of you may be a little worried as you begin second grade. That is normal. You know that there are some subjects that are easy for you and some that are a little harder. Everyone, including me, has strengths and weaknesses. There is no need to worry about that.

I will expect a lot from you. I expect you to work hard. I expect you to do your best. I expect you to listen carefully and to ask questions when you do not understand. I expect you to be kind to the other people in our class.

In return, you can expect a lot from me. I will work hard and I will do my best. I will explain things as clearly as I can. I will listen to your questions and your comments and I will help you solve problems. I will treat you with kindness and I will remember that you are a special person with your own ideas and feelings.

I want you to learn and to enjoy school. Learning is fun! Do your best each and every day. Everything that I do is designed to help you learn as much as possible during our year together. I am glad that you are here! Together, we will make this school year very special.


Mrs. Sederstrom

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