Monday, June 8, 2009

Announcements and Homework

Dear Second Grade,

I cannot praise our little American Heroes enough for last Thursday night. Our Living Wax Museum was a great success. I know the children learned so much from this experience. I enjoyed watching them put all of their knowledge into action. A special thank you to Mrs. Aguayo and Mrs. Del Toro for putting together the signs pictures and brochures. Another thank you to Mr. Richardson for the door signs. We appreciate all of you who came to support us.

Mrs. Sederstrom

Tuesday is our Field Trip. Please wear your regular uniform. The bus will leave promptly at 8:45AM. If you are chaperoning, please make sure to come by 8:15AM to get your packets and information about the day. Please DO NOT give money to your child for gift shop items, there will be no time to visit the shop.

SPRING CONCERT is THURSDAY night at 7:00 PM in the church.

AWARDS ASSEMBLY is next MONDAY at 11:30 AM, early dismissal at 12:30PM

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL is next TUESDAY - 8:00AM Mass and report cards distributed. Dismissal will be right after MASS/Report Cards

Homework - No Spelling

1. Read for 20 minutes and fill out reading log
2. Math - pages torn out from class book

1. Read for 20 minutes and fill out reading log
2. Math - pages torn out from class book

1. Read for 20 minutes and fill out reading log
2. Math - pages torn out from class book

No Homework - Spring Concert at 7:00 PM

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